Repeal ESA Action Alert

Monday, May 1, 2006, we delivered a letter to Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, demanding the Endangered Species Act be repealed.

The letter was signed by 6,300 Americans. It had individuals from all across the nation. Thanks to all of you for having the courage to do the right thing.

To further maximize the letter�s impact, we mailed a press release to thousands of newspapers and magazines to inform them of our efforts. Then, strategically, we placed an advertisement in Roll Call, the �newspaper of Capitol Hill.� Roll Call is widely regarded as the leading publication for Congressional news and information published daily while Congress is in session. Every congressional office holder, staff member, and lobbyist in Washington, D.C. reads the newspaper.

Now we need you to make an important call.

Action Requested: US Capitol Switchboard, # 202-224-3121

Call your U.S. Senators beginning today. Then, call Senator James Inhofe demanding the ESA be repealed. Tell him the ESA: (choose one or two)

� Destroys Private Property Rights and Fifth Amendment Protections
� Regulates and Controls Land Uses and Reduces Land Values
� Has a 99% �Failure� rate
� Forces Landowners to Pay Government Mitigation to Use their own Land
� Creates Disincentives to Landowners thereby Destroying Habitat
� Based on Junk Computer-Model Science or Advocacy Science
(preconceived outcomes)
� Driven by Litigation and Environmental Agendas
� Destroys Lives and Caused Massive Job and Immeasurable Financial Losses

The message needs to be loud and clear. We demand they listen to us, the landowners, their constituents and their supporters, not big money interests who use the ESA as a tool for their agenda. Remind them that private property is the economic backbone of America and that you put your name on the line and demand they do the same.

Why You Need To Call Today

Two critical things are taking place in Congress right now. First, Senator Inhofe has indicated he will look for a vehicle outside of his committee to push an ESA reform bill. We�ve been assured this will not contain any property rights protections. The Senator could attach and move a bill at any time, and the sooner he does so, the more time he will have to get it passed this session.

The second critical event is the confirmation hearing of Governor Dirk Kempthorne, for Secretary of the Interior. That hearing will begin the first week in May. Once confirmed, we anticipate that the full weight of the Interior Department will be placed behind a strengthened and improved ESA reauthorization bill. This is one of Kempthorne�s priorities. You might remember the Kempthorne-Chaffee ESA bill he tried to pass when he was a US Senator in the 90�s. It was worse than the current Act. He is not a friend of private property rights.

This is why your call today is so critical. We must insert ourselves into this debate now if we are to stop the reauthorization of an Act designed to destroy the backbone of our nation.

By calling today, you increase the impact of the letter, Roll Call advertisement, and news release.

You ensure today, Congress will not ignore the hard working citizens of this nation.
Tell your Senator to listen to you for a change. That we are organizing to fight for our land and our country!

US Capitol Switchboard # 202-224-3121

Read the Letter and Signatures Sent to Congress
Repeal ESA Coalition News Release, April 25, 2006

Repeal ESA, P.O. Box 1207 Taylor, TX 76574
Copyright � 2006

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